onsdag 23 september 2020

You can´t win them all

 This illustration was meant to be the cover of a comic. Things happened and we ended up agreeing och disagree. But hey, you can't win  them all. At least it's all mine, it's att good and posted here for you guys to enjoy.

tisdag 15 september 2020

RPG Characters and Logotype

 Four RPG characters as they appear in De Övergivnas Armé´s actual play podcast Handelsfursten, and their logotype. 

måndag 18 maj 2020

The wolf folk of Vulferveden

The wild-wood Vulferveden on Trinsmyra dwells the most feard of the half-folks in Trakorien. The wolf folk or wolf men. Known for their strict social rules and aptitude for berserker rage

This illustration is a remake of the wolfman that I made for the RPG Svavelvinter and Fria Ligan (Free league publishing) a couple of years ago. This new illustration is more accurate to what the writer Erik Granström imagined them to be in his novels.